I bought the leather producing, the leather jacket and the trouser industry in botxo, but now my leather get's sold before making the jackets, is there a way to Solve this problem?
I bought the leather producing, the leather jacket and the trouser industry in botxo, but now my leather get's sold before making the jackets, is there a way to Solve this problem?
The short answer is "no," because, in general, goods are autosold from storage by weight, in order from heaviest to lightest total weight of the output. Almost all industries have a higher weight of input than output. Leather Jackets takes 4.5 kg. of leather to produce 2 kg. of leather jackets.
The long answer is that you can ameliorate the situation by:
1. Expand your storage in Botxo by purchasing additional storage. This only postpones the time when your leather is autosold. It may be enough if you frequently visit Botxo.
2. Sell your leather producing industry to the town of Botxo, if possible. After you do this, your leather won't be autosold because it's not your leather anymore. It belongs to the town. Of course, you can't expand leather production because it's not your industry, and you have to buy your leather from the town.