Hello, I'm trying to learn modding and programming a bit. Currently, I'm using jpexs to root around in here. And I found some fun stuff, like how to change the spawn rates of random groups and such. I can't say I will find whatever it is, but I could use some suggestions. Y'all got anything you're looking for?
Spawn rates are in the Presets.
An example with the hex and instructions looks like this:
; 2c e3 07
pushstring "x"
; 24 ec
pushbyte -20
; 2c e4 07
pushstring "y"
; 24 fc
pushbyte -4
; 2c b0 05
pushstring "type"
; 24 01
pushbyte 1
; 2c a3 99 01
pushstring "intensity"
; 2f 41
pushdouble 0.03
; 2c bb 39
pushstring "radius"
; 24 01
pushbyte 1
Current Assumptions:
Each X and Y == around 1/2 line diffrence on the map we got on here.
On storymode, you start around: -20,-2 (x,y) Y is inverted, so each -1 is up 1/2 | 1 is down 1/2
Type == Caravans off the object table from Noddite (Thanks mate)
(This is Lintu Scouts for example)
Intensity == Spawn rate. Possibly 1 extra group per 0.01 (Would fit observations)
Radius == Area they will patrol, unless provoked. They can explore out if following target. The area is a circle, and each increase of 1 increases the area explored in any direction by 1/2 line on the map. (Project idea: This can be used to plot default enemy locations on the map in here)
In ActionScript, this looks like:
Also, it looks like random groups and caravans are necessary for population growth of towns. With edited speed x20, or town counter x20, or people counter x20 - for 30 mins, there was 0 growth in observed towns.
For testing, edit/add a group at -20,-2 with a high intensity (like 0.90) and a radius of 1. Then start new story mode and watch the circus.
Finally, the rover group you meet on the way to cricket/silo may be scripted.