Caravaneer 2 modded map
Lately, I've been browsing through several community members' blogs who were attempting to mod the game primarily by configuring from the game's base files. Then, I stumbled upon a blog post by Noddite that detailed how to make every city have all industries. Subsequently, I made sure that each city had available industries. Keep in mind that I still haven't managed to configure it in the special locations of the story mode or in the tribal zone because these locations weren't designed in the code to initiate new industries.
Moded map (All industries in all cities):
Here's a link to a Google Drive with the modded game file for those who want to try it out. …
My Current Projects with Caravaneer 2
Current projects:
- Random Group Patrol Areas on World Map
- Caravan routes on individual Maps and World Map
- 1st Guide to Caravaneer 2 with JPEXS (into the Presets file)
- New Game Mode
1 & 2, creating a zoomable/readable world map. (overlapping region maps onto the world map)
3, will show:
-find/edit town locations, names, industries, economy, buildings (schools, markets, medical, repair, story), factions, game mode behaviors, slaves/no slaves, obligatory people
- find/edit random group spawn rate, location, radius, type
- find/edit caravan size, route, additional items carried, items bought, items sold
4, will include:
Less cities (around 4 + 1 bunker like area + 1 of 4 buildable city)
Enemy factions will progress with city growth (better equipment, tr…
Sample Transport Modding
This was written in response to a comment. I'm using files extracted by RABCDAsm; JPEXS will be different.
Refer to the Object Table to see what animal/vehicle corresponds to which value.
File: Presets.asasm
This is the baseline for the Lintu Camp, likely the first town where you'll encounter animals or vehicles. The transportation/livestock section of the Merchant has been bolded for better visibility.
pushstring "name" pushshort 1613 pushstring "x" pushshort -9930 pushstring "y" pushshort -1700 pushstring "population" pushbyte 91 pushstring "obligatoryPeople" newarray 0 pushstring "allowsSlaves" pushfa…
Object Table
A table listing objects from the base game.
Note: The Map of the Federation in Cargo-189 only reveals Ausz if read.
Best food production caravan
Assuming you don't travel with a camel caravan (with a speed of 6, it's quite slow, even if the whole Metal wagon/Large carts does make a difference in the profit you can make!) or an all horse caravan (which is faster, but more forage and water dependent than one could like or afford, with the limited cargo capacity of horses), one has to make a choice: Buy food, or produce it with animals? We're not here to answer this question though, but to answer the next question, if you choose to produce. That question is: which animal is the best food producer? Camels and Horses are the most inefficient, and rightly so, considering the speed and load they have! Anyway, the horse is. the camel produces, on average, more kcal than a goat, and with ju…
Funny Names
This page has absolutely no practical use. Nope. It's just about something funny and crazy!
Did it ever happen to you too? To have a prisoner or a mercenary with a funny or impossible name? Something, like, this? Post a screenshot! Let's see what are the strangest names out there, or the references to famous people/shows/characters of other games or shows! Here is mine: Michelangelo Chucknorris! The product of a fusion between the god of narizians and a mutant ninja turtle! Waiting to see the next one!
Problems with combat system & New combat system ideas
Caravaneer 2, dare I say, is one of the best game I've ever played. Its realistic, sophisticated and fun. Ever since I started playing several years ago I was totally hooked by it. But over the years I've descovered some problems. Here I'll be focus on its combat system. I'll be talking about the problems with current combat system and my ideas to improve them. First I'll talk about things that bothered me in Caravaneer 2 combat system.
- 1 Problems with current combat system
- 1.1 Sniper rifle + Rocket dominance
- 1.2 Redundant ammo type
- 1.3 Problems with enemy units
- 2 New combat system ideas
- 2.1 Suppression system
- 2.2 Stamina Point system (SP)
- 2.3 Kneeling
- 2.4 Different ammo types rework
- 2.5 Make weapon skills specific
- 2.6 Scaring away enemy
- 3 Weapon ideas
- 3.1 Melee we…
Qubba Bandits Code
This is what I've been able to find on the Qubba Bandits unit as shown here.
pushstring "faction" pushbyte 21 pushstring "name" pushshort 6656 pushstring "aggressive" pushfalse pushstring "averagePeopleNum" pushbyte 15 pushstring "slavers" pushtrue pushstring "transportSlaves" pushbyte 0 pushstring "money" pushshort 2500 pushstring "totalWeaponsPercentage" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "peopleLevel" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "peopleExperience" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "weapons" pushstring "ite…
Umi Alpha Oil Tycoon
- 1 Umi Alpha Oil Tycoon
- 1.1 Fuel Demand
- 1.1.1 Your Umi Alphas Demand
- 1.1.2 Daily Town Fuel Demand
- 1.2 Fuel Supply
- 1.2.1 Increasing Supply of Petroleum
- 1.3 Comparison of Supply and Demand
- 1.4 Making money with Umi Alphas
- 1.5 Industries for Qubba town
- 1.1 Fuel Demand
This is an analysis of the economics of oil. It may help people who have completed the Liberation path storyline and want to use their 5 (or 6 on "hard") Umi Alphas as they continue playing in the world they have molded. The player can continue to change the world and never run out of oil. The Umi Alpha is the most fuel efficient vehicle in the game. Computing the quotient, (Max Load) / (Fuel Consumption per 100 km) for each vehicle shows:
- Toe Cutter: 600 / (7/100) = 8571 kg-km/fuel
- Igelkott: 1600 / (10/100) = 16,0…
Relationship Effects of Remanding Prisoners
Note: This blog post may contain spoiler information. The data was gathered from Story mode, both Normal and Hard difficulty settings. Sandbox mode may have different secondary effects.
The player has full control of one action that affects faction relationships: where to remand prisoners to a faction's police force. The following information may help a player decide where to remand their prisoners. Note that some of these factions can be "eliminated" in Story mode which will prevent remanding prisoners to that faction.
The matrix is valid for relationships in the range -50 to +50. Once a faction relationship is outside the range -100 to +100, it is extremely difficult, maybe impossible, to reverse its direction, except for some Story mode e…
Sondbox Mode (Guide) - Hard Difficulty Setting - Iron Man
Here; I will assemble all my collected game notes and playing expeirience(s), while playing in Sandbox Mode.
- "Note: This is currently a work in progress.**
- 1 Introduction:
- 2 Starting Out:
- 2.1 Setting a Goal:
- 2.2 Character Build:
- 2.3 Hitting the Desert Trail:
- 3 Caravan Composition:
- 3.1 Tactical Caravan:
- 3.2 Domination Caravan:
- 3.3 Transport Types:
- 3.4 Logistics:
- 4 Battles:
- 5 Mercenaries:
- 5.1 Weapon Choices:
- 6 Trade and the Barter System:
- 6.1 The Snowball Effect:
- 6.2 Hitting The World Ceiling:
- 6.3 The Myth of Over Selling:
- 7 Industries:
- 8 Notes and/or Things I don't Know Where to Put yet:
- 8.1 Shop Anomalies:
- 9 Acknowledgements:
I enjoy playing in Sandbox Mode much for the challenge. It throws the player immediately in a dangerous location, with little in resources (except for the 10,00…
Basic Modding 02: Cannibalism
You miss out on a lot if you play in Sandbox Mode. A lot of locations don't appear, there's no way to get unique items like Pim's Navigation Device or the S&W Model 500, there are no volunteers, and you can't become a cannibal. Follow these steps to fix the no cannibalism issue.
- 1 Where
- 2 How
- 2.1 Looting
- 2.2 Eating
- 3 Problem
Files: IsoEngine\Caravan.class.asasm and Data\Item.class.asasm
Turning your caravan into cannibals has two parts: one to get human meat to appear and another to eat it.
In Caravan.class.asasm, find this line:
trait slot QName(PackageNamespace(""), "cannibal") value end
and change it to
trait slot QName(PackageNamespace(""), "cannibal") value True() end
This allows your caravan to loot human meat from the dead, as well as slaughter slaves f…
Basic Modding 01: All Industries
Since the beginning of this month, I've been using RABCDAsm to finish cataloging Caravaneer 2's items, industries, towns, etc. Meanwhile, I've also noticed a few people want to mod the game.
This time, I'm posting the code to enable all industries in a town:
pushstring "possibleIndustries" pushbyte 1 pushbyte 2 pushbyte 3 pushbyte 4 pushbyte 5 pushbyte 6 pushbyte 7 pushbyte 8 pushbyte 9 pushbyte 10 pushbyte 11 pushbyte 12 pushbyte 13 pushbyte 14 pushbyte 15 pushbyte 16 pushbyte 17 pushbyte 18 pushbyte 19 pushbyte 20 pushbyte 21 pushbyte 22 pushbyte 23 pushbyte 24 pushbyte 25 pushbyte 26 pushbyte 27 pushbyte 28 pushbyte 29 pushbyte 30 pushbyte 31 pushbyte 32 pushbyte 33 pushbyte 34 pushbyte 35 pushbyte 36 pushbyte 37 pushbyte 38 pushbyte 39 …
Starting Attributes and Action Points Analysis
- 1 Starting Attributes and Action Points Analysis
- 1.1 Analysis 1: Low AG and high INT characters
- 1.2 Analysis 2: High AG and low INT characters
- 1.3 Battle Experience needed for additional Action Points
- 1.4 Addendum:
The purpose of this analysis is not to start an argument about starting attributes. Its purpose is to provide some numbers on the effects of some starting attribute choices so a player can make an informed choice. Secondarily, it shows some of the interrelationships among attributes.
There are two sets of comparisons based on the extreme ends of the attributes (attributes of 1 and 10). Each is a comparison of two starting characters with 11 attribute points, combined, in agility (AG) and intelligence (INT). The other 9 attribute points are…
A Guide to Animal Herding
- January 2017: Minor updates and corrections to Appendix 2 - Animal weights and passenger size.
- March 2017: Add more information on baby animal milk consumption and the effect of cows on the Collecting skill in the section "Additional Information on Animals."
This guide provides information and tips for those who want to try large scale breeding and herding of animals. The advantages and disadvantages of running an animal herding "business" are outlined. Several possible herd configurations are examined. Detailed information on animals is included in appendices. Although this guide is in a blog due to its size, comments and questions are welcome.
- 1 A Guide to Animal Herding
- 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Herding Animals
- 1.2 Additi…
A Beginner's Guide to Industry
Revisions: December 23, 2016:
- Expanded calculations in examples 3 and 4 to explicitly show the effects of automatic selling versus active management.
- Added 2 appendices that provide more detailed analysis of Food and Clothing industries.
This is a large, general purpose, guide that explains how to find, evaluate, and manage profitable industries. It is targeted at a beginner to intermediate level of experience with industry. Starting from basic concepts, the guide progresses through increasingly more complex situations while explaining how player-owned industries behave in these situations. This allows the player to decide how deeply they wish to delve into industries. It includes 13 in-game examples, drawn from every region, to illustrate t…
First Impressions
I played Caravaneer before, back in 2010, so finding Caravaneer 2 was pretty exciting for me. i couldn't wait to play it. Of course, I still haven't finished Caravaneer 2 yet, but from what I've experienced, it promises to be much beter than the original.
Is it okay for volunteer characters like Spencer Rice to die in the game? I realize the game is nothing like a JRPG like Final Fantasy, where every knocked out character still has a chance to survive if the party survives a battle. But after his role in the fight against the Drekar Tribe, does he have anything left to do storywise?
And why does he look like Nathan Fillion?
Alpha Dairy Mobile(end game guide)
Umi Alpha is the best transportation in the game… wait WHAT? You disagree because it’s a fuel vacuum and 5 of them will literally use up all the fuel available in a few years? Don’t worry, now I’m going to show you how to solve this problem by starting 2 industries and turning your Umi Alphas into dairy mobiles! It’s going to cost you about 42 million but after that you no longer need to buy any food, fuel, lubricant and still earning money.
The scenario setting I'm using now is that you have complete Qubba storyline and have 5 Umi Alphas, 8 volunteers and 10 mercenaries (18 people is more than enough to deal with any Qubba bandit, you can have less mercenaries if your skilled) and the total salary is less than 40k.
Here’s how you do it: (Th…
Industry Stats
The following data (pulled from and separated for readability) is of limited use since each town has its own storage price, salary coefficient, tax rate, electricity price, and relative price. Still might be of interest if you want to know the sources of your expenses.
Interesting note: The source code implies that "Hard" difficulty is the way the game is intended to be played.
Insect Farming
{name:1291, consumption:[{item:62, amount:1}, {item:1, amount:10}], production:[{item:45, amount:5}], electricityConsumption:0, averageSalary:5, fixedExpenses:5, storagePerUnit:10, price:250000},
Sheep Breeding
{name:1308, consumption:[{item:62, amount:56}, {item:1, amount:32}], production:[{item:85, amount:1.40}, {item:86, amount:4.30}, {item:87…
Table Trouble
Good news: The Faction relations table's been done for a few days. There's a copy of it on my user page ready to be moved.
Bad news: Even using established collapsible tables from other pages as templates, I can't get this one to work properly.
Most likely future code dump: Industries.
The Trading Map
This is something I'm recently working on: (click for bigger map)
Purple: illegal
Pink: illegal at first, legalized after sertain storyline
What do you think? I think the map is easier to read than the chart. If the feed back are good I'll add them to the Trade Route page.
Faction Relations
It's not a good idea to write a blog post so late in the night/early in the morning, but it's the only time I have.
Where to find: -> faction_relations
These are the preset faction relations. Workforce Merchants, with [0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, -30, 10] for example, has +30 with Drekar (third from left entry), -30 with Alkubra Marauders (eighth from left/second from right), and +10 with Alkubra Police (ninth from left/first from right).
Your Caravan (0): []
Lintu (1): [0]
Drekar (2): [-50, 0]
Pullid (3): [0, -5, -70]
Kivi (4): [0, 0, 0, 0]
Travelers (5): [0, 10, -50, 10, 10]
Rovers (6): [-50, -50, -50, -50, -50, -50]
Alkubra Marauders (7): [-50, -50, -50, -50, -50, -50, -50]
Alkubra Police (8): [0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 20, -20, -50]
Workforce Merchants (9): [0…
Sample Caravan Route
This is a sample of a caravan route found within the caravan_routes section of; specifically, the 15-man caravan.
{size:15, onInit:true, extraEquipment:[{type:170, amount:20}], points:[{town:27, buy:[{item:90, amount:20}, {item:94, amount:60}, {item:62, amount:32}], sell:[{item:104, amount:100}, {item:"hat", amount:100}, {item:"shoes", amount:100}, {item:78, amount:100}, {item:186, amount:100}, {item:"food", amount:100}, {item:"lowerBodyClothing", amount:100}]}, {town:26, buy:[{item:62, amount:233}, {item:"hat", amount:10}, {item:"shoes", amount:16}], sell:[{item:90, amount:100}, {item:94, amount:100}]}, {town:31, buy:[{item:104, amount:164}], sell:[{item:62, amount:100}]}, {town:32, buy:[{item:78, amount:14}, {item:186, amount:5}, …
NPC Ages
Some trivia from Age possibly affects food and water needs; I haven't followed the formulas closely enough to be certain.
The NPCs below are listed in order of their special portrait (starting from 2).
Time to run some numbers
Last night, I installed a program capable of viewing AS 3 (ActionScript 3). This game's secrets are now unlocked... or they would be, if I still remembered how to code. It was hard enough to make a correction to the M1 Garand's magazine size in the first Caravaneer.
This game has text files that come out to over 300 kb. To reiterate, 300 kb in text. More than one.
Priority one is finishing up the storage for industries later tonight. In the meantime, I've found some base healing prices from DoABC -> IsoEngine ->
- Animal: 20
- Person: 40
- Cart: 25
- Car: 70
- Eye Surgery: 10000
- Arm Surgery: 6000
- Leg Surgery: 8000
Rehiring minimum morale:
- Volunteer: 50
- Mercenary: 30
- Prisoner: 30
- Slave: 40
Quick Tips
I have no idea where to add such information, as they could range from Industries to Combat to Conspiracies.
Skipping Storyline in Storyline Mode:
In Your Bunker, enter Your Room and read the Map of the Tribal Region. Go to Lintu while skipping Silos and begin your mark in a much easier region than where you start off with in Sandbox Mode (i.e: Alkubra Region). This means that you can work your Missions fully equipped with Grenade Launchers (from the Gun Store in Ausz), a Horse/Camel caravan, and plenty of Boryokudan (or any other kind of) mercenaries ready to tear apart the region, for a good cause or for Teh Evulz.
- Remember that their initial hiring fee may be higher than their minimum accepted wage. Set their price and press "Min." to see …
Enemy Chase or Flee
From what I've confirmed so far these are what affects if an enemy chases or flees from you
- Number of people in your caravan (Including
prisoners, slaves, and escorted) - Weapons in your Primary slot
- Strength of the enemy (Their numbers and weapons)
- Monetary value of weapons
Doesn't affect:
- Items in Inventory
- Armor
- Tough reputation
- Weapon in Secondary slot
- Animals
Industry Expenses Formula
Ran a test on industry expenses today. Turns out a size 0 industry still has daily expenses of 20. This makes finding labor costs easier.
Daily Expenses = 20 + (Size * Industry-specific labor cost)
Will update the Industries page once Excel worksheet is done.
EDIT: Ah, krypt. Apparently not. The formula doesn't work for Pullid Camp and Pea Cultivation at Kivi Camp.
Notes on Confusion
"What is this place?"
"It's a colony where people live, work and pray to the Man of Zinc together. It's our way to move away from the profane world and to concentrate on the divine."
"I see. And why is it called Confusion?"
"It's named after an ancient hymn that speaks about how we were all living in a land of confusion, with no love, no hope, no purpose until Man of Zinc came and showed us they way and taught us to build a better world with our own hands."
Talking Heads
Spoiler alert.
There are 31 known talking heads/characters who appear on the relationship list. According to the addresses in CE, there's a three-entry gap between Cricket and Kukul. Later on, there's a one-entry gap between John Sheppard and Rose, but that was a duplicate value for Sheppard during an earlier build of the game.
Chairman Brass
Spencer Rice
Kevin A
Captain Mustaparta
Solanum III, The High Priest of Orth
John Patson
Sapoboi Rodrigues
Chief Guard
Huli Kitsune
Jacob Fulier
Dolland Truffle
Samantha Stone
Fiston Diputtan
Richard Weaver
John Sheppard