Sample Transport Modding
This was written in response to a comment. I'm using files extracted by RABCDAsm; JPEXS will be different.
Refer to the Object Table to see what animal/vehicle corresponds to which value.
File: Presets.asasm
This is the baseline for the Lintu Camp, likely the first town where you'll encounter animals or vehicles. The transportation/livestock section of the Merchant has been bolded for better visibility.
pushstring "name" pushshort 1613 pushstring "x" pushshort -9930 pushstring "y" pushshort -1700 pushstring "population" pushbyte 91 pushstring "obligatoryPeople" newarray 0 pushstring "allowsSlaves" pushfa…
Object Table
A table listing objects from the base game.
Note: The Map of the Federation in Cargo-189 only reveals Ausz if read.
Qubba Bandits Code
This is what I've been able to find on the Qubba Bandits unit as shown here.
pushstring "faction" pushbyte 21 pushstring "name" pushshort 6656 pushstring "aggressive" pushfalse pushstring "averagePeopleNum" pushbyte 15 pushstring "slavers" pushtrue pushstring "transportSlaves" pushbyte 0 pushstring "money" pushshort 2500 pushstring "totalWeaponsPercentage" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "peopleLevel" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "peopleExperience" pushdouble 1.1 pushstring "weapons" pushstring "ite…
Basic Modding 02: Cannibalism
You miss out on a lot if you play in Sandbox Mode. A lot of locations don't appear, there's no way to get unique items like Pim's Navigation Device or the S&W Model 500, there are no volunteers, and you can't become a cannibal. Follow these steps to fix the no cannibalism issue.
- 1 Where
- 2 How
- 2.1 Looting
- 2.2 Eating
- 3 Problem
Files: IsoEngine\Caravan.class.asasm and Data\Item.class.asasm
Turning your caravan into cannibals has two parts: one to get human meat to appear and another to eat it.
In Caravan.class.asasm, find this line:
trait slot QName(PackageNamespace(""), "cannibal") value end
and change it to
trait slot QName(PackageNamespace(""), "cannibal") value True() end
This allows your caravan to loot human meat from the dead, as well as slaughter slaves f…
Basic Modding 01: All Industries
Since the beginning of this month, I've been using RABCDAsm to finish cataloging Caravaneer 2's items, industries, towns, etc. Meanwhile, I've also noticed a few people want to mod the game.
This time, I'm posting the code to enable all industries in a town:
pushstring "possibleIndustries" pushbyte 1 pushbyte 2 pushbyte 3 pushbyte 4 pushbyte 5 pushbyte 6 pushbyte 7 pushbyte 8 pushbyte 9 pushbyte 10 pushbyte 11 pushbyte 12 pushbyte 13 pushbyte 14 pushbyte 15 pushbyte 16 pushbyte 17 pushbyte 18 pushbyte 19 pushbyte 20 pushbyte 21 pushbyte 22 pushbyte 23 pushbyte 24 pushbyte 25 pushbyte 26 pushbyte 27 pushbyte 28 pushbyte 29 pushbyte 30 pushbyte 31 pushbyte 32 pushbyte 33 pushbyte 34 pushbyte 35 pushbyte 36 pushbyte 37 pushbyte 38 pushbyte 39 …